8-Bit minigames archive

This is an archive of the 8-Bit minigames, released on 20 August 2020.

Advanced options

If you can’t control the spaceship on a mobile device, change this option. The game has been designed to be played on a mobile device with a touch screen. However, the developers left code for playing on desktop.

There have been very minor updates to the minigames since the release. Older releases may not work on Safari or any browser on iOS or iPadOS.

The original game has a piece of code that redirects the player to link.brawlstars.com if the player is not playing on a mobile device or if the URL doesn't have a specific code. This option takes you to a patched version of the game with that piece of code disabled.

The most recent version of the game uses a different exit link for players in China and allows players in China to go back to the first minigame after completing the last.

Known issues

I can’t control the spaceship on my phone

The game is misdetecting your device type. In the advanced options, change the device type to the appropriate option.

The audio doesn’t loop on Firefox

This is an issue with the game itself. Maybe the devs didn't test it enough on Firefox.